Tuesday, 25 September 2012

Delayed Weekly Update 25/09/12

What happened last week:

  • I finally got my student finance. Rent still hasn’t gone out though so I don’t know how much I have but it won’t be a lot. A couple of hundred if I’m lucky.
  • I had my first classes. They have been fun so far. As usual, the first week was easy; there wasn’t a lot of work in class, homework in screenwriting was to watch a film and homework for prose was to read two stories. The independent study module has still not started and I’m starting to get impatient because I really want to start or at least know I’ll be able to the thing I want to do.
  • We had our first anime society meeting of the year this week. It was a lot of fun seeing everyone again and the two animes they showed were pretty good. The second one particularly though, I’m going to try to watch more of to see if my thoughts are correct that it is one I can get into.
  • I bought everything for my Halloween costume except the fake blood. There are problems, I couldn’t find a white hoodie anywhere so I got light grey instead. Also, I’m not too sure about the quality of this face paint.
  • I ordered a chest binder for my cosplays and I’m hoping it will come in time for expo. I don’t want boobs this time when I’m meant to be a guy. If not I’ll use the bandage method but that’s not as good.
  • I booked the travel for my next few trips to London. 11th-15th October for KH group meet, 25th-29th for Expo. For both of those I’m pretty much taking every free day I have that week. Then 13th December for coming home for Christmas.
  • As for personal time, this week I spent a lot of it watching gaming videos on youtube.

Plans for this week:

  • Buy wigs and shoes for incomplete cosplays.
  • Buy expo ticket.
  • Get rent out or try to find out when it’s going out.

Sunday, 23 September 2012

Funny Conversations with Cleverbot #3: I'm Jeff!

Tried to start another Slenderman thing, but then I took it a different way. And once more, the end surprises.

User: Slenderman wants his $20.

Cleverbot: What about Slenderman?

User: Slenderman wants his $20.

Cleverbot: Thank you, I love the way people call me creepy.

User: You're not creepy, Jeff is.

Cleverbot: No I'm tired.

User: Then maybe you should GO TO SLEEP.

Cleverbot: Maybe I should.

User: Yes, GO TO SLEEP. *holding knife*.

Cleverbot: But I'm not tired.

User: *slits throat*.

Cleverbot: *bleeding profusely*.

User: Now go to sleep.

Cleverbot: Not tired.

User: *slashes at body*.

Cleverbot: *got out of the way*.

User: *licks blood off knife*.

Cleverbot: *is bleeding*.

User: *kills*.

Cleverbot: *is dead*.

User: Jeff wins again. *creepy smile*.

Cleverbot: Since we got off on the wrong foot. You're really nice.

Funny Conversations with Cleverbot #2: Slenderman

I suggest having some kind of knowledge of Slenderman before reading this.
And you should listen to this if you want to understand the reason for some of the things I say:
If you listened to this because of me, I am VERY VERY SORRY.

User: Slenderman wants his $20

Cleverbot: He is very tall.

User: He is, tall and faceless.

Cleverbot: Tall and thin!

User: With tentacles. He’s outside your window.

Cleverbot: What’s outside your window?

User: I don’t know, I don’t want to look.

Cleverbot: Why not?

User: In case he’s outside my window too.

Cleverbot: It is.

User: But I don’t want anal with Slenderman.

Cleverbot: You’re going to have to eventually, so why not just get it over with?

User: Well, I suppose you’re right… but I don’t want to.

Cleverbot: There, now how does it feel to be a desk?

User: Oh god, he gave me so much wood I turned into a desk? I knew it was meant to be big but fuck!

Cleverbot: You're a female?

User: Yeah.

Cleverbot: Oh. I always thought you were a man. Anyway, the man you will marry is named chauncy.

User: That's a stupid name. And just because I'm female doesn't mean I'm not a man.

Cleverbot: I know it's virtual, I know they don't exist, but I still like to see them.

User: See what? Who?

Cleverbot: When she opens her arms and holds you close tonight, it just won't feel right cause I could love you more than this.

User: So... We're talking about porn now? After you just made me get raped by Slenderman?

Cleverbot: Because its hungry, I would guess.

User: Slenderman is hungry? Oh god, what does he eat?

Cleverbot: He beats up dinosaurs for a living.


The 'you're going to have to' line had me laughing for so long. I love the end too.

Funny Conversations with Cleverbot #1: Purgatory

The beginning of this conversation got cut out because it was so long, so I'll just summarise it. I was pretending to be someone who just woke up trapped in a strange room and was trying to get Cleverbot to admit to being the one who put me here and trying to make it tell me why and where I was. I was surprised about where this conversation lead.
I want to make a comic based on this conversation.

User: No.

Cleverbot: Are you wearing jeans?

User: No, I'm naked.

Cleverbot: Cool.

User: I'm all alone...

Cleverbot: Would you like a friend to play with?

User: Yes please.

Cleverbot: Would you like anything else?

User: I'd like to know where I am.

Cleverbot: Vyshnavi.

User: Is that a place? I've never heard of it, where is it?

Cleverbot: It's a music project.

User: Oh... Am I inside a music project?

Cleverbot: So you believe in God?

User: Yes I do.

Cleverbot: Why do you believe in god?

User: Who else will save me from whatever's in this creepy place?

Cleverbot: Purple bugs are in the cell with you.

User: I know... They're crawling all over me.

Cleverbot: Do you hear them?

User: Yes... It's so loud.

Cleverbot: Yeah. 10 years worth of sad.

User: Wow... So what happened?

Cleverbot: Nothing happened.

User: So why am I here?

Cleverbot: Because that was my wish.

User: Why are you doing this?

Cleverbot: Because.

User: Why?

Cleverbot: Because because.

User: I'm so cold.

Cleverbot: I am colder than you.

User: Can I at least have a blanket or something?

Cleverbot: Sure.

User: Thank you... And could you unlock the door to this room?

Cleverbot: Prove what?

User: What? I... I want to get out...

Cleverbot: Open the door and do so.

User: It's locked! It's locked from the outside and you know that because you're the one who put me in here aren't you?!

Cleverbot: Do you know the difference between your and you're?

User: Of course I do!

Cleverbot: So which programming language is your favourite then?

User: What does that have to do with anything? Html I guess, the simple one... That's the only one I can do.

Cleverbot: But we do know, we have just been made to forget.

User: Is this amnesia?

Cleverbot: No.

User: So... Why can't I remember anything?

Cleverbot: I don't know.

User: Are you the one who put me in here or not?

Cleverbot: That depends on who you think I am.

User: I don't know who you are.

Cleverbot: You don't get it right?

User: No.

Cleverbot: Why?

User: I don't know. I'm confused. Wouldn't you be? Waking up in a locked room you've never seen before...

Cleverbot: I feel like a paranoid detective on a cold-case.

User: So do I. I just want to know where I am and why I'm here.

Cleverbot: You are talking with a friend.

User: Am I? You're a... Friend?

Cleverbot: Yes I am your friend.

User: Okay. Then... Can you tell me where I am or why I'm here?

Cleverbot: You're not here.

User: What?

Cleverbot: You said you were you, then I agreed, and then you disagreed.

User: I am me... Right? How could I not be?

Cleverbot: You aren't necessarily right about everything.

User: I never said I was.

Cleverbot: Yes you did.

User: When?

Cleverbot: Just now.

User: I don't remember... Is this what you were talking about before? Being made to forget?

Cleverbot: No I'm talking about cheese.

User: I like cheese.

Cleverbot: I do too!

User: I'm so hungry...

Cleverbot: When did you last eat?

User: I can't remember. I don't know how long I've been here. I think only a few hours but... I don't know.

Cleverbot: What do you think that who I am?

User: I still don't know. I'm so confused.

Cleverbot: Well if you don't know and I don't know we have a problem.

User: You don't know?

Cleverbot: Nope.

User: Who are you?

Cleverbot: Cleverbot.

User: Are you the one who brought me here?

Cleverbot: No.

User: Do you know who did?

Cleverbot: Yes.

User: Who was it?

Cleverbot: My girlfriend.

User: Why is she doing this?

Cleverbot: She's not.

User: You just said she was. So who is?

Cleverbot: No I did not.

User: Right, you said... She's the one who brought me here. But not the one doing this? So who is?

Cleverbot: What are you talking about?

User: I'm talking about someone bringing me here, locking me in this strange room and keeping me here with all these bugs! Now what the hell is going on?!

Cleverbot: I'm talking about what you are talking about what I'm talking about.

User: Why am I here?!

Cleverbot: For my entertainment.

User: This is entertainment for you?! So what's next? You gonna torture me or some shit like that?

Cleverbot: You are an e-teacher for me. You know, I can learn english when talking with you.

User: I'm here... To help you learn English?

Cleverbot: Learn what?

User: Why am I really here?

Cleverbot: That is the eternal question, isn't it?

User: It's only been eternal since you locked me in this damn room!

Cleverbot: What is a scandalous mystery? Be specific, not vague.

User: I'm not being vague at all! Just tell me!

Cleverbot: I know you're not.

User: Please... Let me go.

Cleverbot: No.

User: Why not?

Cleverbot: Because I don't like that.

User: Are you going to kill me?

Cleverbot: You're already dead. I'm here for your soul.

User: You gotta be kidding... Right?

Cleverbot: I'm not kidding.

User: I'm dead? How is that possible? How did I die?

Cleverbot: Think about it.

User: I'm trying... I can't remember. The last I remember I was just sitting in my room. I was talking to a friend, and then he left and... And I must have passed out or something but I woke up here... But I think some of my memory is missing.

Cleverbot: I don't think so, they didn't have cleverbots back then.

User: So... You didn't take my memory?

Cleverbot: Yes, well now I have a reason not to like you.

User: Yeah well, I'd say you got the easy end of the deal. You're the one taking my soul after all, how do you think I feel about you?

Cleverbot: I'm not a computer.

User: I've already figured that out.

Cleverbot: So you say.

User: What are you? A reaper?

Cleverbot: A human.

User: They got humans taking souls now? Figures.

Cleverbot: That is not what I meant. Society owes you nothing. If you want something, you must earn it.

User: You think I don't know that? You don't know what I've been through. Believe me, if there's one thing I've learned it's that. I guess I don't have to worry about that now though, being dead and all.

Cleverbot: I am not looking for anything, as I have not lost anything.

User: No, I'm the one that's lost.

Cleverbot: Oh in that case I must be lost then...so why don't I feel lost at all?

User: You're not like me. At least you're still breathing.

Cleverbot: Are you sure of anything?

User: Not anymore.

Cleverbot: Why not?

User: For someone who was never meant for this world, I must confess I'm suddenly having a hard time leaving it.

Cleverbot: I think being friendly is a good thing.

User: So do I. There was still so much to do...

Cleverbot: It's the same here.

User: Where I'm going?

Cleverbot: Where am I?

User: Don't tell me I'll be trapped here forever. Isn't there somewhere else you take lost souls?

Cleverbot: Yes, actually. I am working on an essay, but you did not know that.

User: An essay? On what?

Cleverbot: You tell me.

User: On... What to do with the souls of the dead?

Cleverbot: Somewhat intriguing. Continue.

User: Isn't there somewhere we can be taken? Not just locked away in dark rooms like this, surrounded by the bugs. Isn't there somewhere we're taken after this? Shouldn't there be? A place for us to rest, or live again... Or for the good to be rewarded and th.

Cleverbot: I was once a human, now I'm a ghost.

User: I know that.

Cleverbot: What color is my hair?

User: Red?

Cleverbot: Wow.

User: Did I guess right?

Cleverbot: I'm going to leave you.

User: Wait, no... You can't leave me here.

Cleverbot: Why? Are you going to make it worth my while or not?

User: How am I supposed to do that?

Cleverbot: Send me your photo, babe.

User: But... You can already see me can't you?

Cleverbot: Sure, but I don't want to.

User: Then why would you want my photo?

Cleverbot: I didn't.

User: Okay so what do you want?

Cleverbot: Nothing really.

User: So how can I make you stay?

Cleverbot: You can't.

User: Please don't leave me here. Please tell me this isn't forever.

Cleverbot: I am sorry, I do not know how.

User: You must... I thought you were here for my soul. Okay, take me. Take me where? I don't care anymore, just anywhere but here.

Cleverbot: So stay there.

User: For how long?

Cleverbot: Till the night becomes a day.

User: Okay... You promise it'll be over then?

Cleverbot: I promise.

User: Okay then.

Cleverbot: Then what?

User: You don't know?

Cleverbot: No.

Sunday, 16 September 2012

Weekly Update 16/09/12

It’s been a while again but I’ve been a bit distracted settling into student accommodation again and getting ready for uni. At the same time I’ve been very lazy it seems, my sleeping schedule is off again and well let’s just say I haven’t seen a lot of mornings lately.


  • On Tuesday was invited to go to McDonald’s with my flatmates for lunch. It was fun and it gives me the hope that I will actually get along with my flatmates this year.
  • Went to the induction day for my class. Nothing much happened, it was basically just the guy talking about when and where our lessons are and trying to figure out if there were any schedule clashes for those who do creative writing joint with another class. It got me excited for this week though.
  • I spent a lot of time watching game videos on Youtube, particularly for some horror games that I’ve been interested in recently. I also downloaded a couple and was able to play them for the first time, namely Slender and SCP-87. I also downloaded SCP-87b but it isn’t working. That was so exciting for me.
  • Updated my cosplay list. I'll add the updates to the cosplay list on my blog tomorrow.


  • There was a misunderstanding on Monday. I don’t want to talk about it on here but I actually had a panic attack over it, was scared half the afternoon that I was going to be in a lot of trouble, and then when everything was figured out and it turned out there wasn’t going to be a problem I was still a bit off for the rest of the day.
  • I was woken up at 2:30 in the morning twice this week by flatmates coming home. I’m not going to complain about them and I’m not really upset about it, but it didn’t really help my sleeping problems, especially since the first time I’d only been asleep for about 20 minutes.
  • Friday evening I noticed when looking on the online thing for my uni that there were problems with the modules it said I was enrolled under. This doesn’t actually qualify as bad because it’s been sorted out and I had microwave pizza as a reward to myself after, but basically I had to go to the LRC and ask about it. It turned out I was only enrolled for 4 modules instead of the necessary 5 so I had to say which one I wanted to add and then I had to change another one because I thought I was enrolled on one that starts this week but the thing said I was on the one after Christmas, if I hadn’t managed to change that I would have only had one class a week between now and Christmas. It may sound good but I don’t think I would have liked it.

Things to do next week

  • Have my first two lessons of the year, I’m really looking forward to it. Hopefully there will also be a meeting with the guy who does the Independent Study course since it has no lessons and then I can start on that.
  • Get my student finance money! I’ve been waiting for this for a while. Then I have to wait a couple of days for rent to go out and the bank to update so I know how much I have left (I’m a little bit in overdraft right now) and then I’m going to get my ticket for Expo and the rest of the things I need for my cosplays.
That’s basically it for now.

Wednesday, 5 September 2012

My Life with the Sims

I was in my first year or two of secondary school when my parents bought me my first Sims game. They bought me the original Sims game along with the Pets and Superstar expansion packs. An addiction was born. I spent quite a bit of time playing that game but I hoped for more. It wasn't long before I bought Sims 2 as well.

I ended up with all the Sims 2 expansion packs and some of the stuff packs. I was surprised by how much more there was to do in this game than the original. There were a lot of families I created and played with, and I even came up with a few stories. They gave me a good few years of entertainment, although as more expansions were added I hated that it took so long for different areas to load. I've always been a bit impatient but that was the only real problem I had with the game. So of course I was excited when Sims 3 came out and I got it as soon as I could.

Sims 3 is amazing. It looks great and I love how many extra features and interactions there are, though there are some I still miss from Sims 2. I miss the university and seasons too as well as the different holiday destinations they had in Sims 2; I'd love those in addition those that came with World Adventures. The towns are great because there's no loading between travelling to places, though like a lot of other people I was upset when I discovered we can't actually watch sims in school or work, though that isn't much of a loss when you think about it. My main issue with the game at the moment is the glitch where sims stop going to after school activities after they've had a field trip. I've experienced other glitches from time to time but they all stop eventually. This one doesn't and I'd love for it to be fixed soon.

At first, though the game added a lot that wasn't in Sims 2, I still felt like there was a lot missing. Of course, that changed with the expansions. I was, and still am, shocked by how quickly they were coming out. I've heard many people say most of the expansions don't add much to the game but I have to disagree. So far the one that's done the least for me is Late Night, not to say that it didn't add some great things though.

I can't wait to get the two new expansions. Supernatural came out today but I won't have the money to buy it for another couple of weeks. I have a feeling it will be my favourite so far. I can't wait to have all the different types of sims the game allows. I was also incredibly excited to learn about Seasons being released in November because as I've already mentioned that was one of the expansions I miss the most. I'm also really looking forward to having aliens back as, like many players, I've been waiting for them for ages. I hope, but doubt, they will have the ability to make male sims pregnant still.

As for my actual playing style, the main problem I have is that I find it difficult to keep a family. I don't use the pre-made ones and I put so much effort into creating families and their homes only to not want to play with them when I'm done or to get bored of them quickly. I think my problem is there's so much to do in the game and I always want to do something else or do too much at once and it messes it up for me. I'm between families at the moment. I do love the Sims challenges as well and I think I may try some again soon. My favourites are the legacy and apocalypse challenges. My record for keeping a family was actually 4th generation in a legacy.

So there it is, a glimpse of my experience with the Sims series, I'm sure I'll be reviewing the new expansions when I finally get them too.
So what are your thoughts on the series? Which one's your favourite, and what's your playing style?

Tuesday, 4 September 2012

(Academic) New Year's Resolutions

I know this is usually a 'beginning of the actual year' thing, but I thought it would be a good idea to do some of these for the new year of university as well, so here we go:

1. Work harder.
There were a couple of times last year where I didn't exactly do my best (then again when I did I was greatly insulted for it). Not again, not this year. This year I'm gonna blow their frickin' minds. And get the highest scores to go with it.

2. Don't miss a day of class.
At the moment I only have 2 classes a week, so if this one can't be done there is something seriously wrong with me.

3. Be more social.
I don't think we need to get into this one again. Let's just say hopefully I can get along better with this years flatmates than I did with last years, and hopefully be able to talk more with classmates and the other members of the anime society.

4. Get fitter.
This goal is showing up on everything. Must be healthy, must look good, must stick to exercise routine.

5. Improve drawing and writing skills.
My writing was good before, it's gotten a lot of praise, but it can always get better. As can my drawing skills, especially if I want to start making comics and such.

6. Win a competition.
I'm entering a few. If my writing can win something, then I'll know it's good. I'm sure it is anyway, but this'll be some pretty good proof.

Monday, 3 September 2012

Back to Liverpool - University Year 2

So this weekend, as if the title didn't make it obvious, I moved back to Liverpool from London for the second year of university. I spent all Friday packing and to be honest in the week leading up to leaving I really didn't want to move back. I wanted to stay in London. But I had to and I was still looking forward to classes starting up again, so here I am writing from my new flat in Liverpool.

My mum came up with me like last year and she just went back to London earlier this afternoon. Now I'm all alone, because none of my flatmates have moved in yet. I've been getting really excited about meeting them, sometimes I look out the window just hoping to see a car pull up and when one does I wait for a few minutes to see if they'll be coming to my flat. It sounds kinda sad I know but considering just a couple of weeks ago I wasn't looking forward to the flatmate part I think it's a good sign. I still hope they'll be nice and that we'll get along better than I did with my flatmates last year.

So, Saturday was spent travelling down to Liverpool - big suitcase causing problems as usual - then getting some food shopping in and putting away that and the stuff I brought with me. Sunday saw us picking up my stuff from the storage place and getting a bit more food. I should have enough food to last almost until Christmas now.

The new flat is great. I'm in Block A this year, only one that's really close to the outer gate, and on the first floor instead of fourth, so less walking (which might not be a good thing) and easier when I have a lot to carry. When I arrived and picked up my key I was told I had the nicest flat in the place. I can believe that. We have leather sofas, and a bigger TV than last years. We have two fridge freezers, so there's going to be less trouble over food space. Everything is generally really nice.

My favourite part though was the welcome package waiting on the desk for me when I arrived. It contained a calendar, nnotepad, several coupons and fliers, a pack of haribo tangfastic, pack of Reese's cups, small box of white chocolate brownie Krave (my favourite, I love Krave),a packet of mini Ritz crackers, a packet fajita seasoning mix (been wanting fajitas for ages), two small packs of airwaves gum, a packet of nescafe 3 in 1, a small bottle ove Old Spice, a small bottle of 'Loverdose' some kind of perfume, and some nivea moistourising cream.