Sunday, 24 June 2012

3 Films that have Disturbed Me this Year

WARNING: This post may contain spoilers for the films mentioned if you haven’t seen them. I’ll try to mark the more obvious spoiler parts but read at your own risk.
Extra warning: if you haven’t seen these films and read all of this… there are a lot of subjects (as it says in the title) that may be found disturbing. Yes, it’s bad enough to give warnings for.

Anyone who knows me knows that I am not an easy person to gross out. I’ve been obsessed with horror films and stories for years so I am highly desensitised to violence, disgusting things and the dark side of human nature. However, so far this year I have been disturbed by three films, which for some reason I watched all in the same day one after the other. And so, here they are:

3. The Human Centipede 2

Surprisingly, I wasn’t bothered at all by the first Human Centipede, with the exception of one scene. When this one was first banned before being cut a lot and then being given the highest rating, I was complaining and saying I had to see it. When I was reading about some of the worse scenes and pre-cut scenes, I thought they were cool.
Okay so, for those who don’t know, the human centipede is about some psycho guy stitching a group of people together mouth to anus to create, yep you guessed it, a human centipede. This one is a bit different from the original because it has 12 victims instead of 3 and the psycho, rather than being a mad doctor is a creepy overweight middle-aged man who lives with his mother.
[Spoilers] The parts that disturb me: First of all, masturbation scenes are only good when the guy is hot. While still entertaining, there’s still a part of me that feels wrong for watching it. The guy himself generally is just gross. But those aren’t too bad. Now the scenes of him actually doing the procedure, that’s disturbing, especially when the part where he cuts their knees. The worst part as always for me with these films is the shit, and this time was a lot worse than the first. I don’t know what made me gag more, the sounds or the visuals. The vomit that followed was not good for my stomach either. The rape scene that followed was almost as bad. So yeah, that was a very disgusting sequence for me. I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again, shit is one fetish I will never be into.

2. Rogue River

I didn’t actually like this film that much, but I’m glad I watched it once and the end was good. I actually don’t know why this one bothered me. So the film is about a girl who has to take a ride with this guy she meets after her car disappears… and ends up getting tortured at his house. Now, I love torture scenes, I love gory scenes, but there was something about this one I just didn’t like.
[Spoilers] Some of the actual torture scenes got to me a bit, like when boiling water was forced down her throat. I suppose the thing about some (not all) of these scenes is that they’re relatable. The way I see it anyway, everyone’s been burned at some point, it’s not hard to imagine that but worse. But the worst scene for me was when she was forced to have sex with her brother. Now, normally I don’t have a problem with incest in fiction (do I have a problem with anything in fiction?) but the way that was done… that actually was disturbing.

1. The Divide

This is a post-apocalyptic film about a group of people trapped in a basement after nuclear explosions.  This is actually a really good film and probably the most disturbing part, as often is with this type of film, and is that this is probably what would happen if this situation occurred in real life.
[Spoilers] For me the worst part again is probably the sexual element, when one of the women voluntarily becomes the sex slave of some of the men because she says that’s what would end up happening anyway, and the abuse they then give her. I also happen to find that part very stupid, I know she lost her daughter and all, but come on. The threats the men give to the other woman also bothered me. Thinking about it now, those parts are probably worse for me because I’m female too and therefore relating more with the two females in the film. Particularly the main one because I’m not that weak.

Saturday, 23 June 2012

Weekly Update 23/06/12

So I’ve only just started posting again after another absence, not as long this time luckily. This time I can definitely say it will be daily because I do have a number of written posts and a schedule of what day I will post which. 

What has happened to me this week?

  • -          I found out I passed all my modules this year
  • -          I’ve started getting really into video games again (especially Skyrim) after a few weeks playing nothing but sims 3
  • -          Started a dream journal
  • -          Had a nightmare where Jeff the Killer was in my room at night trying to kill me, which is funny because I never found the story scary and always quite liked his character
  • -          Started exercising again, not too much at the moment but it’s progress
  • -          Started drawing again, not too good at the moment because I haven’t been practicing enough
  • -          Accepted that I’m not going to be doing this month’s Camp Nano after all
  • -          Started character profiles for a story I’m working on

So it’s been a pretty productive week at least. I don’t really have any plans for next week yet aside from picking up my tickets for when I go back to Liverpool (mum’s coming again to help me move my stuff around) and probably more gaming and writing. Mum’s going out Saturday night but I doubt I’ll go with her.

5 Things I'll Do Differently in the 2nd Year of University

In the last week or so I’ve been thinking more and more about the second year of university. Maybe it’s because I found out I passed all my classes so I’m definitely going to be able to go back in September. So I thought a fun topic would be the things I’ve learned this year that I will use/do differently next year. Actually, I could only think of four so far, but anyway here they are:

  5.     Talk more to flatmates.
To me it was hard and worrying to have to live with four people I didn’t know at all. The problem was, I don’t think I spoke to them enough at the beginning of the year. Then later it seemed like all four were getting closer and leaving me out completely. This also created some awkward situations for me later in the year. This year I hope I may be able to get closer to my flatmates, talk more, be comfortable around them, maybe even become friends. No more times when I’m scared to leave my bedroom please.

2     4.     Be careful about the amount of food bought.
One freezer drawer each, and they’re not that big. It is hard fitting all the food in. So my aim is to try to buy less freezer food next year. It’s annoying though because it could mean having to eat the same thing over and over for a while. One thing I’m going to do is only buy one bag of chips at a time. I would get two before but I only need one at a time and chips take up space. All this may mean having to go to the shop more but at least it will be lighter to carry home.

3      3.   Create a schedule.
Yeah, I know this is obvious. I think I had one before actually, just that I need one to stick to better, and I think I need an actual area in one of my books as a calendar to note events and somewhere to write down homework because I’m sick of trying to find it in my notebooks. This schedule would not only list when my classes are but (though I don’t like the idea of my whole life being controlled) tell me what I’m doing when not in class. This way, I’m ready for class in time, and I can get my assignments done while at the same time having time for fun.

4     2.  Take less stuff.
I vowed that I wouldn’t fall into the first year stereotype of taking way too much with me. I think it’s safe to say I failed. I want suitcases that aren’t so painful to drag down the street. I also don’t want to have to use storage next year (it works out a lot cheaper to take multiple coach or even train rides to take everything back home. Less clothes, less CDs and DVDs, less games, I’m not even going to take my consoles, just my handheld games.

       1.  Save more money for Summer.
I can’t even remember how much I had but it wasn’t enough. Actually, it wasn’t that bad. I think I had just over £100 after my cat died and I had to pay for the cremation; that definitely won’t happen next year. It was also after buying my 3DS. And it doesn’t include the £100 set aside for expo. So actually I did have quite a bit of money. Maybe I just need to save a bit more and be more careful expenses. Put more aside for expo and don’t use anything other than that. Usually I’m a lot better with money, honestly.

Wednesday, 6 June 2012

Plans for the Rest of the Summer

Well, I needed some plans anyway and since I now have very little money left to do anything with a cost, I've made a list of things that should keep me busy, a few of which will probably be mentioned in later posts.

So, my list of things to do this summer:

-exercise every day
-blog every day
-write a journal entry every day
-buy a camera
-get better at drawing
-get better at guitar/keyboard
-design and plan how to make future cosplays (cosplays I need to make: Atlantica Zexion (Kingdom Hearts), Halloween Town Zexion (Kingdom Hearts), Female Ulquiorra (Bleach), Prince Soma (Black Butler), Sesshomaru (InuYasha))
-watch all the anime on my ‘to watch’ list (probably will not all be completed this summer)
-finish Camp Nanowrimo (June and August)
-change music on iPod
-plan future projects

A Couple of Very Busy Weeks

So it’s been a really busy couple of weeks, which is why I haven’t been posting again (it ends today, I swear, I have a whole bunch of back up posts written now). I’ve only just fully recovered from it all.

It started with the MCM Expo a couple of weeks ago. There was a lot of walking around and for two days that didn’t include shoes, so I have a lot of dead skin on my feet right now. It was worth it though; I’d never wear shoes if I didn’t have to. Most, well actually all, of my time there was spent with friends just generally being insane. It was probably more fun than I’ve had in a long time and I just wish I’d had a camera. My cosplay plans changed and I ended up being Zexion from Kingdom Hearts on Friday and Saturday and (a really bad version of) Renji from Bleach on Sunday. I hate doing bad cosplays but I will make it up to him whenever I have a free cosplay spot, possibly next year. I also spend way over my budget. That was also worth it. I got pretty much an entire Bleach cosplay, a sword (Zabimaru, Bleach, possibly my favourite weapon in the world), a giant Bleach wall scroll, and Aizen (Bleach) plushie, some new chopsticks (also Bleach) and some really cool pictures (surprisingly, only one of them Bleach). Do you think I might be a little bit obsessed with Bleach? Then a couple of days later my friend and I went out and bought more Bleach plushies. This has gone too far.
I still have my expo wristband.

Far too soon afterwards I had to go to Liverpool to bring the rest of my stuff home. That was not without its usual difficulties. Now I’m paranoid I’ll be fined because I accidentally left a couple of things in the room.

Then on Monday my estate had its Jubilee party. As usual, I hate parties. I hate stuck at such an even around so many people I don’t know (kinda weird I love giant things like expo then and hate parties but still… for some reason there’s a difference in my head). Although it wasn’t that bad. The music was surprisingly good (if you like old people music like me lol) and I won a nice toy snake at the shooting game, where I knocked down two ducks with one shot. I was very much complimented for that one. As usual the best part of the party was the free food, and since my parents were in charge of the event we got to take home the leftovers. I’m still living on those leftovers. The pasta salad, the potato salad, the biscuits…

Breakfast calls...
Stacey xXx