Hi again! Well I’ve been meaning for a while to start making posts other than what’s going on in my life and pieces of writing and stuff. Some of the things I’ve been wanting to do include top 5’s and other such lists and reviews of things (kinda like those food pieces) anyway… so I figured since this is my last night in Liverpool until the new year I’d start with these: the things I love and hate about Liverpool (okay most of them are probably like/dislike).
1. The anime society (and university) – Yes, my favourite part is the anime society at our student union. Of all the things that do not take place in the solitude of my room, this is the best one. The members of the society are really fun, awesome people, we get to watch anime together every week (it’s even more fun as a group) and we have other fun events too, like the games night, going to Laser Quest together, going to a restaurant for a buffet as a Christmas meal, etc. The university part is great too. After all, the only reason I came to Liverpool was because I loved LJMU so much when I went for an open day. And the course I’m on is great; it’s fun and really easy (in my opinion).
2. Nearby beach - Really, the beach is about 15 minutes away on a train and it’s really cheap. I think a return ticket was just under £5 normally but because I have a railcard I can got it for I think about £2.15. I’ve only been there once so far but it was fun. I haven’t been on the beach properly but I plan to go back. The actual beach looked really good, it looked like there was a small sort of fairground there too and that’s where we went for Laser Quest. There was a bowling alley and a lot of arcade games there too. And air hockey, which I’m great at (not meaning to brag or anything).
3. Massive shopping area – This point speaks for itself. It’s just really big with all kinds of amazing shops I love in it. That’s all I can say really. Even better, it’s a really short walk from my flat.
4. Historical/cultural – For people who are into that kind of thing, like me. I haven’t really had the chance to go see all the historical and cultural places yet, like landmarks, galleries, museums, and so on, all those sorts of things, but I know there’s a lot of them and I look forward to taking a lot. (Of course, London’s great for that too.)
5. Friendly people – I’ll be honest, outside of Liverpool you hear a lot of bad things about it (although that’s true for many cities) but almost all the people I’ve met here so far have been really friendly, be it people in uni, shop workers, strangers on the street. I was really surprised by how nice so many random people were and it’s really nice.
Bonus point: Living alone – yes, I miss my family and friends and London but living alone and taking care of myself is great.
1. Serious lack of certain types of shops – Specifically anime and game merchandise shops… Liverpool really needs some. The best it’s got is World’s Apart, which I’m not saying isn’t great, but there really should be more too. There is a Forbidden Planet here too but it’s really small and doesn’t have that much in it from what I’ve seen. I’m sure there are other types of shops I will come to miss as well.
2. Flatmates – so alone isn’t really alone… I really wish I was on my own… I’m not saying anything against my flatmates, for various reasons I’d just prefer to be in a flat alone, I won’t get into all my reasons right now.
3. Chinatown – I was told the Chinatown in Liverpool was one of the biggest and best in the UK. I found out today I’m not the only one in my class that thinks this – it really isn’t. No offense to it, but it is actually really small, all it has is a few Asian restaurants and a few signs in Chinese. Okay, it has the big arch… and that is really great… but that’s all. Maybe we just haven’t been there at the right time. Another comparative thing – the one in Chinatown is great and has more than just restaurants, it has grocery stores, sweet shops, clothing shops, shops that sell other objects, and other things.
4. Take away shops – I’ve noticed the take away shops here all seem to be more expensive than London. Again, it’s just a comparative thing but that’s just something I’ve thought about quite a bit since coming here hehe.
5. Travel – So basically I walk everywhere. I personally think the bus prices here are really expensive, but maybe that’s just because I’m used to London and oyster cards. Also there aren’t really direct bus routes to the places I go. It’s usually easy and quick to get where I’m going anyway (of course it does get really cold and windy (Winter’s fault, not Liverpool’s). Of course when I have somewhere further to go or if I’m walking around for a long time it gets quite painful.
Okay so the hate ones weren’t that great… I guess I haven’t really been here long enough to hate anything properly hehehe.
Well that’s my list for now and feel free to say what yours are if you have any. :)
Bye bye!