Thursday, 25 August 2011

A Pretty Kitty and an Awesome Song!

As I sit here writing the first part of this post, I’m sitting in the bank waiting for the guy to come back, but I’ll get to that in a minute.
I want to tell you about something that happened on my way to the bank, though it may seem a tad insignificant. Around the area I live, there are a lot of cats. Most of them are strays. Most of them are friendly and whenever I see one I stop to speak to it and pet it. Of all the cats I know around here, there are only two that won’t let me do this.
Anyway, so on the way to the bank today I met a new cat. This one has owners, I can tell by the bright red collar. I will refer to the cat as ‘she’ because she seems more feminine to me, though I could be wrong. She’s very fluffy and I have to say has one of the prettiest coats I’ve ever seen on a cat. I wish I’d taken a photo and if I see her again I shall. I approached her as I normally do a cat (by kneeling down and making those noises, whatever you call them). She seemed happy enough to come over to sniff my hand and let me stroke her. Anyway, I know that doesn’t seem like a big deal but it was a very cute experience for me and well, those are the wonderful things, aren’t they? Those small moments in life without a lot of meaning yet they still light up your day.

As I write the rest of this post, the trip to the bank is done and I’m at home, and in fact it is the next evening. I meant to finish this post for yesterday but didn’t get around to it. Before I talk about what I’ve been doing in terms of progress, I want to talk about something else I find fun.
Attempting to get the exercise I need, I’ve been running every morning and evening, when it’s darker because I don’t like a lot of people watching me exercise, hehe. Anyway, I finally found the perfect song to run to. It’s called One Winged Angel; if you’re a fan of Final Fantasy 7 you probably already know it, Sephiroth’s theme song lol. It’s an amazing song to run to especially when it’s through earphones so it’s nice and clear and when it’s dark because it creates this effect (for me anyway) that makes me feel partly like I’m running away from some powerful creature and partly like I’m running toward some awesome goal. So yeah, it helps a lot. I just need to learn to dress suitably for it.

Okay then, progress report. I had my bank account changed to a student account; it took forever to get that sorted out in the bank because the system wasn’t working properly (as usual). I emailed accommodation but found out they’re not going to be sorted out until the end of next week. I need to email student finances tomorrow to ask why they haven’t got back to me yet. I also need to get a piece of information from them I need for the online enrolment form for uni. My mum also ordered a new 4GB camera memory card as a gift to me. So I’ve made quite a bit of progress in the last couple of days.

My writer’s block has also been cured and I’m writing a lot of short stories, I also have much more developed plans for my novel now and I’m going to start writing bits of it tonight. I have a strange way of planning and writing it that I’ll describe in my next post. I’d better go now because I’m trying to do something with a friend, it’s this project we have, really fun.

Also, I have the house to myself all day tomorrow, this is going to be good, and I’m sure to have some more fun times to share.
Until then!

Monday, 22 August 2011

Moving to University: The Plan

I’ve decided to make a post about the things I have to do before and when I move to university, partly because I think it will be fun to share and partly so that I have somewhere to put the list (so I don’t lose it).

Things to do before I go to university

- Contact the accommodation people
Originally I sorted this out back in April but it’s said the booking is delayed ever since and I’m starting to get concerned since I need to move in less than three weeks from now. I plan to do that tomorrow.

- Contact student finances
Again, I applied a while ago and sent the last form a few weeks ago and there has been no response yet. I plan to contact them by the end of the week if I have heard nothing.

- Change bank account to student account
This will happen at some point within the next couple of days, particularly as I’ll have to then wait for a new card to arrive. While at the shopping centre (where my bank is) I also need to get some pictures done for the enrolment form I need to send my university.

- Go to the doctor
I’ve already had one appointment today and I need to go back on the 2nd. I found out I’m up to date with my injections though, which is good.

- Enrolment stuff
I need to finish the online enrolment form as well as send in the paper one. I should get that finished as soon as possible.

- Join student site
How could I resist the opportunity to get to know other people from my university before we even get there? Well, the site is meant to start today (so it said on the letter they sent me) so I should get an invite soon. I’m really looking forward to it.

- Get new memory card for camera
Mine’s been dead for a while, I’ve been using my friend’s but obviously I’ll have to give it back before I go. I want to get it before I move so I can record parts of the trip.

- Buy train ticket
I should probably do it this week before the price gets any higher. I should just feel lucky that it’s cheaper for me this time because it’s only one way.

- Get new bag
My old one is falling apart and it’s already been stitched back together too many times for that to work again.

- Pack stuff
Yeah, this one’s pretty much a no-brainer, wouldn’t you say?

Things to do when I arrive in Liverpool

- Move into flat
Captain Obvious strikes again.

- Buy stuff needed for flat & new clothes
I’m doing it after I move to save packing space.

- Look around city
I’m moving in earlier specifically so that I have time to look around the city. I have a number of animal-like tendencies and one of them is to fully study new territory and create a mental map of the area so that I know the general location of everything and can get around as I normally travel by foot.

- Register at the doctor’s
I need to do that within the first few days of moving, in case I need a doctor in the three years I’m in Liverpool.

- Meet new people
In other words, people in the same building as me, people on my course, general people from the university and even non-university people, anyone really.


Move in – 10th September
Although this is when my contract starts, the university advises waiting until the 17th because that’s when most people move in. I would prefer to go earlier when there are fewer people, mainly because I think it will help me settle in better and will give me more time as I mentioned before to look around the area.

Induction day – 21st September
I have three different things to go to on this day, it sounds like it’s going to be really busy.

Enrolment – 23rd September
This is going to be the fun day when I really become an official university student. It’s a month away but I’m sure with everything going on it will come pretty quickly.

Classes Start – 26th September
And of course, I am definitely looking forward to this.

Then there’s just the welcome week stuff where all these activities take place and you join the extra stuff like clubs and whatever and the papers said something about free stuff so that is definitely something I want to be a part of.

So yeah, that’s all my plans for now! Ah, I get more excited by the day but these complications with accommodation and finance, I must admit worry me a little.

Well I’ll end it here. See you later!

Saturday, 20 August 2011

My Midnight Adventure

Last night was so much fun and so exciting! So I met up with my friend and we went to Trocadero like I mentioned and we went to Tokyo Toys which was awesome as well as some other fun shops there. Then we went and sat down at Trafalgar Square, moving once due to creepy people. Now when I say creepy, I mean perverts. I don’t mean perverts like me, who enjoy sexual jokes and conversations with friends, I mean perverts who approach young women and try to get ‘involved’ with them even though they’re not interested.

So there we were sitting against a wall, planning some things to happen to our characters in this fire (for our story thing) and there were some entertaining things. We saw some cops talking to a guy, I don’t know, people always seem to find that stuff interesting. There were actually a lot of police there, I guess it’s because they’re still concerned about riots. There were some people on rollerblades who were pretty good, with the actual moves; you know when it looks like a real dance or something? Is that what it’s meant to be? I don’t know. And there was one guy who had this thing that he threw up in the air and then it would just fly around and glow, it looked amazing and it was mesmerizing, once I looked at it I couldn’t look away until it landed!

Again, several guys approached us. First there was two drunk Polish guys (the drunker of the two kept pointing out that they were Polish and drunk, I don’t think he remembered telling us the first time). They said they just wanted to talk but they did seem too drunk and one of them kept looking at my friend (well that’s what she said, and I believe her, I didn’t notice it because of the way we were sitting). Second was a guy on his own, he said he wanted to talk but the way he was talking definitely had sexual implications (involving both of us). And this was one of those guys who, when rejected, asked if it was because he was black. Let me just say this now, I don’t care about someone’s colour at all. I have nothing against any race. What I do have something against, as I mentioned already, is people who don’t leave you alone when you make it clear you’re not interested.

Now don’t get me wrong, I love meeting new people. I just have a healthy cautiousness when people approach me when I’m out in the middle of the night. It was passed midnight at this point. Anyway, if someone who approaches me genuinely wants to talk then I’m usually happy to do so. As such, we were both happy to talk when another two guys came over and started talking to us. They seemed very friendly and we had some funny conversations. We shared some cheese around (they just happened to have some) and watched as one of them nearly got swept up by a street cleaner, and then nearly lost a shoe to the same cleaner (this is the kind of crazy adventure we have).

So we started walking around for a while, having more fun conversations, and one time I stole the shoe... that was a fun time. Then we decided to go to Camden. That’s when things started to go downhill (but still interesting). A fight broke out on the bus over someone smoking (which I have to agree is not a thing to be done on the bus), it was not interesting when I nearly got hit by some guy who didn’t care who was nearby or how close they were sitting, just wanted to fight. Luckily, that was pretty close to our stop. So then we were walking down the streets of Camden when the guys we were with started fighting on the street. It calmed down (and would have done sooner if other people hadn’t tried to get involved) but then some person went and got the police. One of the guys had already left and the other guy I felt bad for because it wasn’t totally his fault (the cop ended up letting him go anyway). Then a shop across the road got broken into across the road so we just walked away. We found the first guy again, he was injured but he seemed to be okay. Then when he left my friend and I decided to finally get home.

My parents were already asleep so I didn’t get in trouble for being out late.

So that was my crazy adventure last night and now today I have a party to plan for (my parents are throwing me a leaving party).

Well, goodbye for now!

Thursday, 18 August 2011

Exam Results and University

Today was A level results day. I think I must be one of the only people who was not nervous. It wasn’t because I knew I would get the results I needed, I just... wasn’t worried.
So, what I will say of my results, there are some that I’m very happy about, one I did better than expected and another worse than expected (and that one still confuses me as I had been really good at it in class). Anyway, I needed 280 points for university and I’m happy to say I got 310. When I finally got through the track thing on UCAS it confirmed that I do indeed have my place.

I’m so excited! In September I’m going to be attending Liverpool John Moores University to study creative writing and film studies. It’s weird, I’m looking forward to moving to Liverpool but at the same time I’m not looking forward to leaving London. I’m sure that going there is going to give me so many great experiences and fun times and thoughts to post about so that’s going to be great! I should be getting information from the university about it soon; I’m guessing those will come tomorrow.

Anyway, I just wanted to announce that somewhere! I’m going to cut the post short today, I’ve nearly finished Kingdom Hearts and I want to go play (I would be finished by now if I stopped being distracted but this was a pretty good reason to get distracted).

Oh, and before I forget! My dad called my aunt and told her and she said she’d give be a nice package to take with me full of useful stuff. The only thing I remember her saying she’ll put in it is a can of tuna, in case I forget to buy food! Isn’t that lovely?

Finally, I want to say good luck to anybody else who got their results today! Actually, good luck in general!

Wednesday, 17 August 2011

Strange Dreams: Part 2

Here’s the rest of the dreams I’ve recorded so far.

It was in a war style setting. It was the present day but it had become like WW2 and it was in England but it was more like in Germany and those countries. Basically it was dark and it was winter, snowing slightly. Either a friend lived with me or she was my dream sister but I don’t remember her being anyone I actually know, I think a sister about my age or a year younger. Anyway there were these people who dressed really weirdly, like a cross between (this will sound crazy) like a cross between royalty and priests (even the females) and a tad Russian... I don’t know it’s hard to explain. Anyway so these people would come and inspect your house every so often and it was the first time it was being done to us... There had been these stories of them taking away the family’s children and taking them to this big scary place... so we looked out the window and there was a load of them walking over and they were all split into male/female pairs and went off to different houses and my sister and I were thinking of hiding in the closet or attic or something. (random memory to cut in: We didn’t have that much stuff in our house anymore, not exactly sure why think it may have been confiscated). But anyway we couldn’t and only one woman came into our house and was inspecting my sister and I and asking us questions it was scarier in the dream I promise, but then she just left and we watched outside as they all started to go but there was still this feeling we would be taken away soon.

Okay I think this is where the first transition happened. I’m was wondering if this goes after or before the first but I only remember 3 parts and I’m sure this was the second. So the whole thing changed basically and I woke up lying on a floor. I stood up and realised it was in this strange (but nice) looking building and it was hot and sunny outside. Then I realised that there were a group of soldiers walking through the building and then I realised that I was dressed like them and had the same weapons as them and then I realised that I must be a soldier too. And I sort of thought that it might be a dream because the scene looked like something out of a video game. So I went along with that, can’t remember exactly what happened but I know there was some shooting of people.

Anyway then it skips again. So then I’m standing out in the middle of some area. It may be England, or somewhere in France or Germany or even what I really think that it might have been Russia, either way the people had certain accents. Anyway, so I was standing in the middle of this street that was covered with snow. There were these trucks and there were people from the Red Cross/Salvation Army there (not sure which, you know I really do think it was Russia) and they were helping out the area which had already been affected very badly by the war thing going on. Anyway, next to this guy who was filming a news report or documentary on it and he started asking this one woman questions but she kept saying she was busy and asking us to go. I wanted to but the guy wouldn’t leave. So then the leader person of them came over really angry like, said that he was scaring the people in the town (because he was talking about all the things the enemies were doing and that they were defenceless), and she had this thing that looked like an umbrella but really was like some big, hard metal pole. She hit it across the guy’s face (vertically) and caved his head in and he just fell down dead and I realised it was so that nobody would ever see his footage then I looked up and both women were staring at me so I started backing away and telling her that I didn’t see what she did, I’d never tell anyone, and so on, but she just walked over to me. Up until this point everything that happened was from my POV but at this part it was like I was someone else there watching. I (actually me, not viewpoint me) tried to back away again, turned my head slightly with my hands up (trying to protect myself or plead for mercy?) and I saw this woman just shove this thing straight through the side of my head and all the blood come out on the other side along with the pole thing and I’m pretty sure I died and was just staring at my dead stabbed self for like 3 seconds before the dream ended and I woke up. (it was scarier in the dream)


I was looking after a friend’s kitten while they were alive and my parents gave me a new puppy as a gift. Then I was in my mum’s room and there was a spider on the drawers and I had to try to catch it with a glass. It sounds boring but the way it all happened in my dream was strange.

I was in some kind of strange, open-air restaurant that also had this large stage. I was on it for a while but I can’t remember what for. Then I was taken to a table where I was sitting with some family members and some people I didn’t know.
I was upset though and worried because (in the dream) I’d just given birth to twins and as soon as they were born they were taken away from me and I was sure that something horrible was going to be done to them. I also had several loose teeth, which was also odd.

That’s all for now. I’ve had a number of interesting dreams but because I’m bad at remembering to write them down I often forget too much to share. The most interesting dream I remember in full detail I don’t want to share here for the moment as I’m using it for a large part of the plot of one of my stories. The second dream mentioned here also influenced one of the subplots.
In less detail I’ve also had a number of dreams with recurring themes, including having to escape from attackers and dangerous creatures (including giants and demons), body parts falling off (of myself and others), the world ending or massive disasters, foreseeing deaths, etc. My most detailed dreams are often those that would be considered closer to nightmares but I love them more because the storylines are usually a lot better.

Okay, bye for now!

Nemo xXx

Strange Dreams

I thought I would share some of the fun dreams I’ve had. Actually, these are the only ones I have recorded (except 1) because I’m bad at remembering to write my dreams down. I think this is going to be another two-parter. Most of the dreams I mention here I love because they are the kind that seem more like movies. All the things written here were written at different times so the writing styles may not be consistent.

I think I know where it came from, a cross between reading Darren Shan's Demonata series (mainly Slawter which I just finished today), watching a lot of movies, talking to a good friend about making movies, etc.

Anyway, it started off going to a cinema with two other friends. It almost seems like this wasn't part of the same dream but it was. Anyway, one friend sat next to me, another sat in front of me, and in front of her was a character from one of my own stories. Then, next to the one who sat in front of me was this guy who looked like the Joker from the Dark Night. Now, this girl as far as I know is not slutty or anything but she starts hugging him and kissing him and stuff, and she thought he was the real actor and I was sitting there thinking 'isn't he dead?' Then when she was done making out with him he actually said he was dressing up as this guy (lol).

Anyway, the movie had a lot of demons killing people and stuff. And then later I was in this office type room with another friend and a apparently we had made the movie together and there were these guys from the 'movie industry' talking to us about it. Then they revealed that they knew the demons in the film were real. (Yeah, this is where the Darren Shan part comes in, if you've read Slawter, you'll understand). Except, me and my friend were actually the good guys and there were two characters from that series who were evil people in my dream. Anyway, as they were talking to us two characters from the film (a werewolf and a vampire) became real (there were props of them in the room).

Then I don't know what happened to the characters but me, my friend and a couple of others involved with the movie were being chased through the building by the other guys. I don't think they were gonna kill us but they were gonna torture us and some bad things would happen if they caught us, not sure on the details. We actually got on the elevator and just about got ahead of our enemies with them on the stairs. We got off on one level and the others had fallen behind me but I thought if I could get to safety they could catch up or I could save them later, better than us all being caught. The level I was on led me out of a door and there was a rocky mountain type area. Basically, the surface spread around the area, there was a very narrow part with no ground beneath that led to the part a helicopter was on, then there was a very high drop (definitely terminal velocity) then there was another mountain beyond that. I didn't know how to pilot a helicopter but thought I could figure it out when I got there. I just started running and got over the dangerous part but then slipped through a hole where the helicopter was but managed to grab the step and pull myself up. I climbed in the helicopter and looked back. The enemies were just leaving the building so I'd have time if I was quick.

That's when I woke up. Figures, right at the most exciting part.

I was at university and had to move into one of these dorm type things and 5 people had to share a room the size of mine maybe a tad bigger which is insane to begin with. So anyway, there was me, another girl and 3 guys. The guys, especially two of them, sort of singled me out to have a go at and try to make life hell for but the girl turned out to be really cool. Anyway so it started with me first going there and seeing my room then the worst 2 guys came in and had a go at me (not saying it was discrimination but I thought it was either because I was the only girl or the only white person there at the time, not sure) and then I met the girl and we started talking about music then laughed at some of the enrolling people because they waited outside the uni for about an hour when they were meant to go in lol. So then I had my first day of lessons which was uneventful and afterwards I went back to my room and everything had been moved around, including my stuff and I thought someone had come in and been messing around so I put everything back. Then the guys came back and were asking what happened because they had moved everything around and a part of me was terrified they’d find out it was me and get even worse but on the other hand I was pissed because you’re not meant to do that without everyone in the room knowing and a majority vote. (Then there was this weird side story in the dream where my dad called me home to decorate the new bathroom which was magically bigger than the one we have...guess they extended it into my room lol.) Right so then (and this is weird because the bottom of the dorm looked almost exactly like my house) we were in the living room section of the dorm it was me, the girl and a random teacher and this strange guy who wasn’t even from the uni came in. He looked really drunk but the way he looked at us and acted and stuff I think he was mentally retarded (not trying to be offensive I mean he actually was, but anyway...) So the teacher tried to get him to leave but then he came afterwards and I ended up grabbing the girl and pushing her up the stairs, trying to protect her but then the guy grabbed me and I turned around and his face was right in front of mine giving this pervy smile so I started hitting and kicking him in the face and he stumbled back so I tried to turn over and get up and away but I got up, turned back to face him and he was right next to me again... and then I woke up...

Okay, it’s getting pretty long now so I’ll finish this in the next post. Until then!

My Memory Box: Part 2

Continued from the previous post, the second part focuses on gig tickets and extras.

Gig Tickets

I could go on forever about my experiences at these gigs, so I’ll just summarise it by saying that I loved all of them and each one was an amazing experience. Music is a major part of my life. I’ve also been to a lot more than just those listed.

Decaydance Fest – 22 August 2007 – Hammersmith Apollo
Forever the Sickest Kids – 10 February 2009 – 02 Academy Islington
The Rasmus – 24 February 2009 – 02 Academy Islington
An Cafe – 24 March 2009 – 02 Academy Islington
The Blackout – 29 May 2009 – HMV Forum
Aiden & Tonight Is Goodbye – 07 June 2009 – Camden Barfly
Perfect People (Lets Talk Tactics) – 28 July 2009 – Relentless Garage
Elliot Minor – 20 November 2009 – HMV Forum
Kerrang Relentless Tour 2010 – 5 February 2010 – London Roundhouse
Lostprophets – 11th February 2010 – 02 Academy Brixton
Brokencyde & Jeffree Star – 17 April 2010 – Underworld Camden
Kill Hannah – 07 May 2010 – Electric Ballroom
Twenty Twenty – 02 June 2010 – 02 Academy Islington
Young Guns – 16 July 1010 – Relentless Garage
William Control – 27 July 2010 – Borderline
Placebo – 27 September 2010 – 02 Academy Brixton
Kerrang Relentless Tour 2011 – 18 February 2011 - Roundhouse


Letter from Eclipse (Tattoo & Piercing studio in Camden) – 15/01/10
I had to keep this letter. It was when I had my snakebites done. I need to get new rings for them right now. Anyway, I’d wanted snakebites for a couple of years so I was so happy when my parents finally agreed to let me get them.

Green Day Postcard
The Beatles Postcard
Pack of plectrums
These two postcards (as well as a third, but I can’t find it) and the plectrums were given to me as a gift by a man who worked in a shop near my house, which my mum and I go in all the time. (I have to admit, I had a crush on him for a couple of years before he gave me these gifts for... I can’t remember if it was for my birthday or Christmas. My response? I finally got to give him a big hug, hehe.)

Elliot Minor Postcard

Drawing of ‘Chav Reaper’

This is one of the very many joke characters a friend and I came up with. True to his name, the chav reaper is a chav-styled grim reaper who hunts chavs. My friend drew the picture so it’s even more special to me.


I have a few autographs. My favourite is from Ash Price (Synthetic Season) which he sent to be along with a shirt I’d ordered (because I asked nicely hehe). I met him before at the Jeffree Star gig and ended up talking to him for around five minutes and I got a nice picture and hug from him aswell. This was also around the time I used to be so shy approaching musicians but he was so friendly I didn’t have any of those problems.

Glow stick

I got this at the very first Lets Talk Tactics gig a few years ago. It’s the only thing I have left from it and it’s still special to me. I still wear it on my wrist all the time (except for at the moment because the thing that connects both ends is broken and I need to get a new one).

Set List
Drum Stick
I got all three of these from a Joe Lean & the Jing Jang Jong concert. It was a really fun night and I remember that the venue played an entire Placebo album during the breaks between musicians.

Newspaper article
An article about the first gig I ever went to, so naturally I had to save it.

Dog Collar
It belonged to my dog Lady, a Pomeranian, who was put to sleep the day after Christmas due to medical problems. She was only a couple of years old so that was even more upsetting. I hadn’t had a dog before that since I was a little child and I haven’t had one since which is really sad because I love dogs.

Rabbit ball
From my rabbit Flopsy, who died about a month or so ago. She loved the ball so I decided to keep it in memory of her.

Acceptance letter from University
College ID Card
Plushie tags – (I don’t know why I had to save those... wait, I do, I just like the pictures hehe.)
Aiden Conviction sticker


The Phobics
My Passion – London Underworld 31 October
Chinese New Year – 6th February 2010 (I love Chinese culture and Chinese food!)
My Passion Flyer and Sticker
Dan Scotty Flyer
Pestilence Paradise flyer

Well, that’s all that’s in my ‘box’ for now. Hope you had fun reading!

Tuesday, 16 August 2011

My Memory Box

There are a lot of things that remain important to me, even after they are no longer useful. It is because of the memories and emotions attached to them. Actually, to be fair, I do not have a memory box at the moment. It is in fact a shelf that I keep these things on. However, as I hope to go to university soon, I am also hoping that I will soon get some kind of box I can contain them in.
Anyway, I thought it might be fun to go over what I have here (I’ve put it in two parts so it this post doesn’t get too long):

Wrist bands:

Elliot Minor – Zavvi
Does anyone actually remember Zavvi? It was a chain of stores that is no longer around and it used to be Virgin Megastore. Anyway, I think this was one of the first times I saw Elliot Minor due to a number of bad experiences that had prevented me from seeing them in the past. This one I seem to remember as an in-store acoustic show and signing. It was pretty fun but the view was terrible even though I was at the front and I was squished into a corner. Ah well, it was still a good time.

Lostprophets – 02 Academy Brixton
This is my favourite of the wrist band section since it is the only one I can wear again. I got it waiting outside for the gig to start and due to the way it has been made, I can put it on and take it off without breaking it. I love it.

MCM Expo London – 28th May
I wanted to go to the MCM expo for years before I finally got to go this year. It was more amazing than I imagined.

Train Tickets

Guildford – 21 December 2009
This was from when I went with to see one of my favourite bands at the time, Lets Talk Tactics. It was an amazing night even though the snow made the trains stop so we couldn’t get home that night. We went back to the pub the show was in and the guy there let us sleep in the bedroom above it for the night! It was such an adventure for me, I felt like a real traveller (even though I do like to consider myself a real traveller).

Norwich – 10 January 2010
This was from the time I went to see one of my long distance friends for his birthday. It was a really fun weekend and I had a great time. There were some problems though, again there was a lot of snow (which was fun) and at one point I slipped. My ankle was injured and swelled up so bad you couldn’t even tell there was an ankle there! I actually spent half the weekend thinking it was broken. There was also a point where my syndrome started playing up during the party, which was not a good experience. It also made me feel like I was being a bad friend because it was my friend’s birthday and I couldn’t take part as much as I wanted to. After it settled down though I was fine and aside from those little problems the whole weekend was great.

Cinema Tickets:

The Wolfman – 15/02/10
Alice In Wonderland – 20/03/10
(There’s nothing I can say here except that I absolutely love this movie, Tim Burton, and Johnny Depp.)
Black Death – 12/06/10 – screen 13
Toy Story 3 – 31/07/10
(Amazing movie, enough said. A lot of people mentioned how they cried during the movie; I cried twice.)
Pirates of the Caribbean: On Stranger Tides – 20/06/11
(I love the PotC series, and I believe I’ve already mentioned my love of Johnny Depp?)

Other Tickets

London Philharmonic Orchestra – 12 February 2008
This was a school trip and if I’m being honest it wasn’t the best orchestra stuff I’ve ever heard, but it was okay and overall it was a nice trip.

Globe Theatre – Hamlet – 20 March 2008
My drama class was in this. It was made up of a number of schools and each group did a different part of the play. We got the scene with the play, it was fun. It was amazing being on stage in the Globe Theatre, performing in front of a hundred or so people. I just wish I’d had a bigger part!

Well, it’s already getting a bit long so I’ll continue this in the next part. Hope my reminiscing isn’t boring you yet!

Monday, 15 August 2011

A New Beginning

Hi! I’m Stacey! Pleased to meet you! I hope you’ll have fun reading my blog and hope that I’ll have fun posting to it. But first, a little introduction.

I had this blog before but I decided to restart it on the hope that I can make it better than it was before. For one thing, I want to make regular posts rather than forget it like I did on the original one.

I wanted to start a blog for several reasons:
1. I was advised to do it as my main hobby is writing and I want to be an author. A number of people told me that it would be good practice. I normally write fiction stories so it’s a different area of writing for me.
2. I’ve wanted to do something like this for a while. I think it’s a fun idea, to have somewhere that I can talk about things happening as well as sharing thoughts on certain subjects and whatever else.
It’s basically all reasons like that. I mean, I’d love if somehow it became one of those famous blogs or whatever but I’d settle for just having somewhere where I can post stuff for friends and other people to read, it’s all fun to me.

So yeah, let the fun begin. Oh, and I think I’ll end this first post by telling you just a couple more things.

The meaning of my blog name:
Virtue – noun, a good or admirable quality or property
I believe it is vital to maintain a certain level of madness. It’s what makes the world interesting.

Okay, that’s all for now, see you later!